My dad has offered for a second (or is it third?) time to allow me to become his real estate appraiser apprentice. But this time, I'm actually considering the offer.
I have been looking for a job off and on for a year, and I am just not interested in the jobs I've seen. That, and they don't pay hardly anything at all for your time, especially if you compare it to doing little odd jobs for my dad, as he pays well.
The training to become a real estate appraiser takes a little over a year, depending on the time it takes you to complete the training. If the person training you happens to be your dad, it could be done it less than a year. Especially if he's willing you let you stay at the house/office you would be doing all of the work in, elimination any commute or even a short drive to the office, day in and day out.
If I take this opportunity (and this is my last chance, as he will be retiring soon after I'm done with my training, and if I don't train, he'll retire a lot sooner than that), I could make a minimum of $90,000/year. If I take a lot of work and take over his business, I could make more like $125,000/year.
I have always had a lot of hopes and dreams, but I never imagined I could make those hopes and dreams a reality so soon in my life.
After all of this thinking, I realized that I live 30 minutes away from my dad's business, and I live with Fiancee. So I decided to run this idea by him.
He actually suggested, after a while of talking, and realizing I was serious about this idea of mine, that I move down there temporarily and stay with my parents (or at one of their houses), and get my license. And visit on the weekends. To treat it something like if I went away to college, only a whole lot easier than that would be.
We've been discussing all of the details the past few days, and I think that I'm going to do it. I told Fiancee that I will only do it if he'll stick with me on it, and support my decision to finish it. I won't start it if I am not planning on finishing it. He agrees completely. I will be a little lonely sometimes, but I have been through this almost exact thing with Fiancee before. When we first met, neither of us had vehicles, and he lived up here, and I lived 30 minutes away. Then he moved an hour away, and I got a truck. I visited every week, usually on the weekend, sometimes only one day a week. Only this time, it's closer, and I would have the money for gas, and things to do on the weekends, and I would be staying down there for a really good reason. Not to mention that this time around, I won't be fighting upstream trying to see him. (My father was always against our relationship, until fairly recently.)
My dad actually offered to buy us a house nearby down there, and rent it to us before we could afford to own it ourselves. But Fiancee is not in a position to drop everything and move, and I don't want him to sacrifice his roots (he's moved a lot during his life, and he has just become comfortable here). He can afford the place himself, because since we moved in here, he has been the one with the job, and I've just been here. We've always had difficulty with balance because of that fact, and here's my chance to make things right! When I am trained, and I get established, I will be able to easily pay for his schooling to become what he wants to be -- a welder. I could even buy him an inexpensive car.
So many opportunities within this one opportunity. It's almost mind-boggling. I'm trying to keep it positive.