Saturday, June 17, 2006


Last night I talked to Chester, my cat, on the phone.

Fiancee had been complaining that Chester was being whiny and meowing all the time, and when he tried petting him, he'd just run away. So I told Fiancee I needed to talk to Chester, and to put the phone out to him. I heard him meowing, and then Fiancee told me that when I started talking, Chester stopped mewing and rubbed his nose over the phone, nuzzling it.

I miss my kitty and I am really missing my baby. I will be home Sunday night.

I am getting a little tired of being the mediator (sp?) for my parents. They need to go to a counselor and learn and to talk to one another. Not to mention, learn the difference between they way they communicate (my mom FEELS, and my dad THINKS -- and instead of meeting half-way, they assume they can get their point across by doing it something like this:

Mom: "I feel like I am not being heard, and that makes me feel worthless."

Dad: "I think you should stop thinking of it that way, and you should start focusing on things that make you happy rather than sad."

The hard thing is that they both have their points to get across, but neither of them will step down from their pedestal to do so -- they've gotten to the point where it's just too hard to sacrifice things for each other. When you're in the midst of a loving relationship, you try to find ways to sacrifice things for one another rather than avoiding the prospect.

I feel bad for them, but at the same time I wish they'd stop being selfish and start caring a little more -- I mean, hell, isn't it worth it to mend a 30+ year relationship?


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