Saturday, June 24, 2006

$$ + Relationships = ?

So Fiancee is mad that I made him up a budget for while I'm gone for him to follow or not follow, and he seems to think that even with him having extra money for saving or for spending every month, I still owe him some money once in a while because he took care of me all this time.

We each did our part while living here up to this point, and you just assume that people do things out of the goodness of their hearts, not so that in the future, they can try to claim something from you in return. Right?

Our agreement is that I will live in my hometown for a year, and he will live here in our apartment for the duration of my training. We agreed that it would be good for us in that we will have a chance to live seperately and in doing that, we will experience living on our own.

I have sacrificed a lot to live with Fiancee, and I have sacrificed a lot to support Fiancee. We have supported each other. This should not be a matter of who is owed what. If we are constantly trying to settle "debts" with each other, this relationship will never be a happy, healthy one. It has never been about the money, and I don't want it to start being that way now.

I will be making less than he is, and he wants me to send him money every month? It makes no sense, and I don't feel like I owe him anything -- especially not if he thinks he is owed after all this time. That, my friend, would be seen for what it is -- BULLSHIT.

Come on! When my training is finished, I will be able to do even more for him than I already have! And he's asking for more than that? I can enable him so that he can pursue his dreams, and this is what I get for it? I'm feeling better about leaving this place and this lifestyle for a year. At the end of the year, I'll have a better perspective of all of this. Until then, it's going to be hard work. I hope I don't have to support myself in this quest, and fight for my worth all the while.

Sometimes I wonder why I'm still with this guy.


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