Sunday, June 04, 2006


I am really frustrated right now.

I grew up knowing a lot about finances, and how to save money, and how even if you have money, to keep that money, you need to invest, and save it. Fiancee grew up with parents that spent whatever they had, without much thought for the future. His dad and stepmom are, at age fifty, only now thinking of retirement, and my parents could've retired ten years ago, and they're the same age. This the difference in how we think of money.

Fiancee has two credit cards, and they are both maxed out. This month he is getting an extra check, and instead of saving that extra money for next month for rent, he wants to put it ALL back into his credit lines, and start using his cards again. This makes no sense, and he won't listen to me. I am so frustrated.

But, I am glad that I will have a job soon, so that I can help get the finances in order. Sometimes, in relationships, the one who most knows about something should have more control of that something they know more about.

I will not live in an apartment building for more than a year or two more. I can't take it, and I will not be dug into a hole I cannot get out of. I am smarter than this. And it hurts me that Fiancee does not seem to be himself. You have to be able to think above where you are financially, and any other way -- if you're in a crappy job, use it as a stepping stone, and get past it to something better, but never forget where you actually are, and where you have been, or you're going to be lost.


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