Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Full Circle. Full Sail.

Seriously, I've made a full circle. I've been in survival mode for so many years in my life (as long as I can remember, really) that I've had to consciously try to switch out of it, back into "I'm alive and I can move on!"

What is it I used to do that I enjoyed, for myself? I skated. I played the violin. I listened to music. I wrote. I went for long walks. I organized things. I read books. Long, hot baths. Made crazy recipes. Shopping. Decorating. I love the beach and parks. Quads. Being outside. Concerts. Jamming (before). Hmm.

Anyway, I need to remember this consciously more so that I can move on even more and have renewed energy for life and enjoy it. I almost feel like I wasted so much life on all of that stupid shit I've been doing for so long... almost. But I learned so much. And I feel like I know so much about people because of it. Down and out. High and dry. I am ready to move on now.


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