Friday, June 09, 2006


Well, things are feeling a little more normal now -- only normal hasn't been comfortable for a while now. However, Fiancee is letting me take more control over our finances, and I can tell already that things will only be more comfortable after this month of trying out our new budget. I am very happy about this change in our lives.

After I've settled the debt I feel I have with my dad, I will then get a job outside of helping him. In the meantime, he feels he needs to pay me for working for him, but this is our way of doing each other favors. It's really strange, but it just works between him and I.

I'm taking a couple days off starting today, and Patrick will have a day off tomorrow, so this weekend will be pleasant if we can balance having our days off together. I think it will be easier than normal to have him around, because I'll feel like relaxing and not doing anything as he will. Not to mention I won't feel like I need to be doing something, because I deserve this day off with him, whereas usually, I feel like I am being utterly lazy.

Things are, once again, looking up. It seems to me like life is one big wave -- rolling into the shores, and rolling out into the sea. It is really hard to maintain your balance when everything it constantly moving in and out.


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