Monday, June 05, 2006

Painting the Garage

Well, I spent the day painting my parents' garage to a newly-remodeled house they have decided to move into. It was nice to spend time with the parents, and it was nice to do a little project. My dad will pay me whatever he likes; I've decided I'm doing him the favor of helping, as he did me by buying me my new car. But he'll pay me, because he says he doesn't feel I owe him any favors. What a nice dad! He's been really good to me lately. He is always trying to make up for mistakes on his part in the past. That's how I know he's thinking of the past -- he does something for me that is really meaningful.

I have yet to see the red light camera ticket. I hope that it doesn't come, or that the pictures are obscured by the rain/darkness/my lack of a new and improved license plate, et cetera.

I had a talk with Fiancee after letting some air pass between us, and I sat down with him and showed him a budget plan, and how we could end up saving every month instead of waiting until the last two paychecks to pay rent with, letting the bills run up, and using money we don't have to buy fast food that costs way too much. He told me he was impressed with the plan I came up with, and that he was reluctant to let me have some control in the fianances, because he figured that being the head of the household meant to do everything himself. I tried explaining to him that I've learned that to be in control of something, you need to delegate responsibilities to people, and that way, you have less responsibility yourself, and you have less weight on your shoulders. I also explained that once in a while I feel like I'm taken for granted, and I feel like leaving the house and staying away for a day or two, just so that Fiancee can see what exactly I do for him on a daily basis -- and that most women, especially my age, will not do anything close to what I do.

In other news, I cleaned my new car finally -- top to bottom. I am very pleased with how it looks. The previous owner obviously hadn't cleaned it regularly, because the car looks completely different now that it's clean. It was very nostalgic for me to clean the car, because my mom owned a car extremely similar to mine -- same color, same model; but older, and different interior color -- and I used to clean it all the time until it was spotless, as I loved it so much. She and I would go shopping and run errands together in it all the time. : )

Fiancee is getting off work early tonight, so I'm off to pick him up, and hopefully have a chipper evening with him.


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