Men/women VS. Women/men
Nevermind how men treat women -- that whole issue has been visited and stressed for much too long.
It's great that it is common knowledge that women were abused, and men abused their power. But that laundry is not dirty anymore. It has been aired out, fuck!
Men are being treated very badly when a lot of them really do not deserve anything but respect. Granted, there are some slimebags out there, but those ones are obviously slimebags, and women, if they're so smart, need to figure out that if they don't want to be treated badly by those men, they need to steer clear of them, not challenge them and piss off guys who have gaskets ready to blow. I think that it's gotten to the point that women are asking for the bad treatment. It was one thing when men were getting away with horrible things, but the scale has tipped the other way at this point.
Women are not seen as the weaker sex anymore. But you know something? It is not supposed to be that way. The physiology of men proves that they are supposed to have roles that women just cannot, as capable as they might seem, take the roles that men are meant to have. They aren't meant to take shrapnel in the Army, they aren't meant to be construction workers, they aren't meant to take beatings over and over. Men can take those beatings, and they do it willingly! Why not let them do what they were meant to do and get out of their way! Why not go get your nails done, and raise children, and do things the way they are naturally meant to be done?
People are always trying to go against the grain. Why? Why make your life so much harder? Why is it such a bad thing to go with the natural way of things? Why do you think it is that men have such problems with women in power positions? Women are not meant to challenge men. Of course men are going to be upset and there is going to be friction in the military between men and women. Of course the women are going to be hurt -- and then those women will be angry that they simply CAN'T compete with the men -- and then they sue those men that they can't beat naturally.
Men are not meant to be harassed and dragged down and beaten. Men will do just that to take care of their families -- why not just let them do what they do best and leave them the fuck alone?!
Assuming men are all the same is just FOOLISHNESS.
Men are to be cherished by women. And women are to be cherished by men. Nothing good comes from men and women stepping out of their roles. Embrace your fucking roles in life!
What is more attractive to you as a man --
1) A delicate woman who takes care of herself and those around her
2) A woman who thrashes her body, that competes with you, and that doesn't have any maternal instinct
Men are willing and able to sacrifice themselves for you! Why shove that aside and do it yourself?! There is no point, and you are not proving anything to anyone. Women like you bring me shame to be a woman.
You can't say that I don't understand, either. I have been around some pretty mean guys all throughout my life. You can't say I haven't been there myself. I have, and I came up on top, and I haven't lost my feminine characteristics. I am still a woman. Why are you letting people take that away from you? A woman can be the most beautiful thing, why waste that opportunity? It goes against everything! Give it up!