Thursday, May 11, 2006

Bipolar Disorder

Is biploar disorder something that really affects your brain and how you comport, or is the label just an excuse for bad behavior?

I have been around a lot of people who have given themselves that label. I say given themselves because they announce it to people as if that's their ticket to "fit in" to the crowd they're in. Or that they're explaining their behavior so that they can continue acting that way.

(Kind of like on Family Guy, in the episode that Peter is discovered to be mentally retarded. For those of you who watch Family Guy, you know what I'm getting at. For everyone else, basically "Peter" goes into the women's restroom at a nice restaurant, and proceeds to forcefully open every bathroom stall door, saying, "Sorry, I don't know any better, I'm retarded." That's the gist.)

If people really are affected by this disorder to the point that they aren't able to control their moods and behavior and everything without prescription drugs, then fine. But there is still no excuse for their bad behavior.

It's the people that don't take their prescriptions that really get to me. I feel that we all hold the responsibility to follow the rules of conduct in society. If you don't follow the rules, you don't fit, and you become the crazy person in the drive through, honking to try and speed up the process to get their food, when they're causing the opposite to happen. Basically, you become the ass of society. If you're bipolar or have some other sort of mental disorder, you have a huge responsibility to TAKE those medications that keep you beneficial to society -- or at least keep you tolerable to society.

In my case, when I tell someone who is bipolar to stay away from me, that person decides that the best thing for him to do is to get closer to me than ever and get in my space every chance he gets!

This person's symptoms were not my problem until he made them my problem. What the hell kind of options do I have left to choose from? He's making things difficult for me now, seemingly on purpose. Unless he doesn't have the capability to think logically and clearly about what he's doing.

But I doubt that.


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