$100 bill.
I get paid $50/week to earn my way into becoming an appraiser, and helping my father with projects. He pays my brother $20/hr. to help with projects, and is helping him build several houses so that he can get out of debt. I am always looked at as the charity case, like I will take anything I can get and not ask for any CENT more than I deserve. I feel that I have earned at LEAST $100/week and when I have been paid in the recent past to work for my dad, I have made $10/hr. Last week I worked at minimum, 30 hours. I made $50, and "worked extra hard" for an extra $50, which netted me $100. I should not have to work that extra hard ($50 extra for a job that would have netted me $300) for nothing in return. I should not have such a big favor held over my head. If I had known he would hold it over my head and treat me like a slave, or something of equal value, I would not have agreed to move here and do this in the first place. It is belittling. It is ridiculous, and it makes me think of my dad as an asshole tight-was sonofabitch. I am going to show him that I deserve at LEAST a fucking $100 bill every week. Jesus Christ.