Thursday, August 17, 2006

Move Along

I badly want to go to the smoke shop to buy cloves. I lost my neat-o lighter at a guy's house the other night, and I need butane for my other lighter.

The guy that I was hanging out with is a guy that I went to middle school with for one year, and he has been around for most of my life. Our dads were business partners, you see. I never really hung out with him, however, and so we decided to hang out for a few hours, and smoke some herb. Needless to say, I was not feeling well for the entire day, and after one huge hit, I got dizzy-dizzy and needed to hug and kiss the toilet for a while. His mom, who is actually pretty cool, came home with her boyfriend, and her asshole boyfriend got upset, and yelled for a while and then left. His mom babied me, and I slept it off in my car after a while. I woke up, cold, in the dark, and with a splitting headache.

The whole situation was weird to me, however, first of all, because of the getting sick. Secondly, I was keenly aware that I could be found out by my parents if the wrong person let something leak out. I am not used to that feeling, as I haven't felt that since about a year and a half ago, when I moved out of the parents' house. I was not happy about feeling that way again. It made me feel young and stupid. I am young, but I am not stupid, although it wasn't the smartest thing to hang out at his mom's house, anyway.

So, I want my lighter back. And I want a smoke. And I need to go wash my car, but I'm feeling lazy, and don't want to care about what my car looks like.

My evil older sister got a bad haircut, and was showing it off to me today. The experience made me happy, seeing as how hair and beauty and all of that (not MY hair and MY beauty, but my knowledge of it; I went to beauty college) is one of my niches. She normally has beautiful hair, but it looked all chopped-up, and she can be SO annoying and bitchy that it made me smile to see her hair that way.


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