Saturday, August 05, 2006


I'm so pissed off. I hadn't talked to HB on the phone for a few days, and last night I was supposed to call, but fell asleep instead, so I called at noon today instead. I called once, and the line was busy, so I called again five minutes later, and it rang and rang, and it was hung up for some reason. Then it was busy, then I got through, finally. Then I found out the reason why I didn't get through in the first place was because HB's friend that I despise was there. So I told HB that I would call later, or that he should call when his friend had left. I don't think it's polite, for one reason, to talk to girlfriends/boyfriends/significant others while other people are in the room/building/whatever, for another reason, I hate this particular guy HB hangs out with. This guy he hangs out with makes me look at HB with distaste, and no one or thing does that with HB. This guy makes my blood boil. The last time HB and I had had to discuss him was a few days earlier, when HB told me, to my disgust, that his friend had asked advice on eating a woman out. So of course, being the good friend that he is, described how he eats ME out, to this person that I disgust more than anyone. If I call, he's going to his house, been to his house, or has him over, or at the very least, has something to say about him.


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