Thursday, April 13, 2006

Not seen nor heard.

I am really tired. Of people who are always trying to tell me what age to act.

I've always been a lot more mature than people my age, and a lot more responsible, and aware of my place. And I don't like saying so, because I am not a prissy, snobby know-it-all kid. So it is very irritating to keep bumping into people that think they have the right to tell me what age to act, and to try to "put me in my place."

Kids are not to be seen nor heard, right? We are the future, and we should be taken into consideration more often than we are.

I have been forced into being the "bigger person" in situation involving adults who have made things out of nothing and tried to "talk down" to me. I am so sick of being the bigger person, and so sick of having to deal with immature ADULTS.

Adults are supposed to be the people we are modeled after, and the people we strive to become. But there are not very many adult models that I would like to become. It's saddening.

Who are the kids of today supposed to model themselves after? No one has morals anymore, and no one treats children and young adults like they should be treated.

The world is becoming a very sad place.


Blogger [] said...

People seem to think that just because they are older they know better, no matter how old you are. I get that crap from "wiser" coworkers all the time.

Thanks for visiting my blog!

April 13, 2006  

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