Saturday, April 08, 2006

Asian Woman

Arrrrr, I say.

I was at Albertson's at around 12:30 last night, and the reason I go grocery shopping at such a late hour, is because of the lack of people at the store.

I got ingredients for some mexican food, and got in a self-check line, which had no line to speak of. I got everything bagged, and whipped out fiance's debit card, and swiped it, entered the pin, and... nothing. "Processing."

Fiance paged someone to come fix the damn thing, and the woman tried fixing it for about ten minutes. She said we'd have to get in a regular line and ring everything up a second time. Great, right? At twelve-thirty in the morning/at night. I was already a little irritated.

I get in a line with three other people ahead of me, and tell fiance to go to the truck if he wants; I can take care of the food. He had had a pretty bang-up job close, and was really exhausted. So he leaves, and as he's leaving, an Asian woman tries to push her cart at an angle ahead of me. I pushed my cart in front of her's and said "Excuse me."

She showed no sign of acknowledging what I said, or really that I was even in the line, and was in the line first. Finally, the person ahead of me noticed, and said sorry and let me push my cart ahead a little. Then, the woman that tried to fix the self-check machine thingy said she would help ME in her line, which was empty.

The Asian woman started pushing her cart (swiftly) over to her line... by then, I was like, alright, you want to play? So I pushed my cart behind hers, and said excuse me, agian, only in a more snide tone.

THEN, I got in the line, and she put her cart in the way so I couldn't get it to the left of the cashier, so the cashier can put your groceries in there, you know? I started putting my shit on the spin-around thingy (lol), and she reached over and put the gray bar seperator thingy after I had put only a couple things down, so that when the cashier pushed the button for the thingy to spin, Asian woman's shit kept moving in front of me, preventing me from putting my groceries on the thingy. I kept pushing the gray thing back, every time it spun, and she just kept putting shit on the thing. So, I looked her straight in the eyes, and said, I need to put my cart where your's is, please move.

She says, "Are you upset with me?" in somewhat broken English, and doesn't look me in the eye, in kind of a "Duh" monotone kind of voice.

I said, "No, but you're in my way, and you're preventing me from buying my groceries and getting out of your way."

Arrrrr. She doesn't say anything, but instead, as I walk around to the cashier to pay, Asian woman follows me and stands RIGHT in my space, right next to me.

Now, I am not a racist discriminatory, but I have so many irritating brushes with Asian women. The majority, that I speak of, I believe, needs to stick to brushing laquer on fingernails. No offense (or pun) intended. If you're offended, you probably have no business reading my blog. I write this blog to vent, not to be politically-correct. : )

It took a couple times of listening to a Coldplay song pretty loud in my truck to stop pumping so much freakin' blood through my veins. People that are blatantly rude like this woman, Asian or not Asian, have some real problems that they're subjecting everyone else (you and I) to.


We're all such colorful 'pieces of work.'


Anonymous Anonymous said...

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April 12, 2006  
Blogger Sea Change said...

As I said: "No offense (or pun) intended. If you're offended, you probably have no business reading my blog. I write this blog to vent, not to be politically-correct. : )"

-- If you have a problem with my blog, as I've stated above, then you don't have any business reading it and commenting negatively against it. Go somehwere else and read blogs.

And have the balls to at least not post as "anonymous."

April 13, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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April 14, 2006  
Blogger Sea Change said...

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April 14, 2006  

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