Monday, February 27, 2006

I've decided to try and avoid annoying neighbor, as it just seems to irritate me, and old lady land lord. So far, they haven't tried to be more mature about their choices of living, but that is mostly fine by me. Now I've subconsciously started to show them up and make them feel trashy by being ever-so-classy. While they were outside smoking cigarettes and then casually dropping the buts into a baby formula can, I went outside to place a white marble tile underneath a spring plant, on my cute little black-laquered table between two white chairs. Annoying neighbor stood gawking, and then suddenly glared, while I turned, smiled, and said hello.


Blogger Tanis said...

Good for you, most people would probably ask "what are you looking at" and go on with a sour mood. Maybe next time your outside they will not gawk at you and show you a little respect....

March 08, 2006  

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