Friday, April 07, 2006

Bouquet of Freshly Sharpened Pencils

Well, apparently, I opened up too much to befriend fiance's friend, because he has been at our apartment about five out of seven days this week. So yesterday, when he wasn't gone in the morning like he said, I had a talk with fiance. He was giving me some lip, so I told him I was going to stay the night at a friend's. He then started listening. I told him I was happy to have his friend over once in a while, but not like it has been. I am happy to let his friend eat a small meal once in a while at our apartment, but I am not the hostess of the apartment. He is now the "host." I mean, good God, he's been practically living at our apartment. Not happening!! Fiance is completely fine with it, and I think he realized what it was starting to become. I also told him I am not picking his friend up from his apartment, or his friends' houses, because they are incredibly trashy, and I get extremely uncomfortable. Fiance hasn't had to meet a lot of his friend's acquaintances. *Eyebrow*

On a more positive note, Spring is here, at long last! Also, the new management has been making some nice additions to our apartment building -- cleaning up the grounds, installing a change machine in the laundry room, making our stupid neighbors move... speaking of the neighbors, we have a new neighbor now, and he's pretty nice. He looks like he's about fifteen years old, but he's actually twenty-one. He has a pretty high-pitched voice (for a guy), much like mine, actually. (I have a soft-toned lower-pitch voice.) He is something of a wigger. He moved in with his dog, who is a very sweet doggie, and he also put a bunch of stuff on the deck in front of his door... which is the only real complaint I have; that and he has people over constantly, who leave the door open, so when you walk ou to the car or go somewhere, you are subject to walking around his crap, and hearing them tell the dog to shut up. But he's WAY better than the last neighbor. His balls just badly need to drop. : )

I've been much happier lately, since the weather changed. I have a much better outlook on things when I can get outside without getting too cold or too drenched. I spent an hour walking on a nearby beach, in seclusion. It was extremely peaceful and serene. Although -- this beach has a lot of rocky terrain closer to the street/railroad tracks, so there are lots of places for people to sit... or, rather, have sex. I'll explain: I was walking back to my truck, close to the shore, when I heard this loud grunt of the sexual nature... lol. It was a middle-aged man who had apparently just blown his load. I laughed inside, and willed myself not to look. It was really quite hilarious. And not expected, at all.

Today is laundry day! I always look forward to laundry day, because I get to smell fresh laundry, and feel warm clothes against my skin as I fold. It's one of those 'bouquet of freshly sharpened pencils day.'


Blogger NWO said...

So much for peaceful and serene lol.

April 08, 2006  
Blogger CP said...

Please send me a list!

April 08, 2006  

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