Friday, March 24, 2006

Finally, finally, finally!!!

Ahhhh. My neighbors are FINALLY moving out of their apartment. I am SO happy about this. They're being extremely loud and obnoxious about moving their stuff out, but I am totally not caring. I am just so glad that they're FINALLY moving away from me. It was my secret hope that this is what would happen. I don't know what the circumstances of their move was, but, whatever it is, it's fine with me. They don't seem to be moving out of the complex, but it's a big complex, and I don't have to deal with them anymore. They moved, get this -- below where their mom is living, in one of the smaller, nasty apartments. I actually looked at the one they're moving into, and it's so horrible. The kitchen is actually a hallway.

Anyway, I'm extremely joyous about this. No more of them banging their toilet lid shut, slamming doors, running up the stairs... ahhh.


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