Friday, September 08, 2006

I have a cold. But I am not cold.

I am happy, but I am sad.

I love HB, but I'm exhausted from it.

It is easy to be with HB. It is hard to be with HB.

I want to be with HB, and yet I do not.

I want to leave HB, and yet I do not.

I want to start over with another guy, and yet I don't feel like I have the

I want to start over with a different guy, and yet I am feeling guilty even thinking about that, because I feel like HB needs me, and if I leave him, he will fall through the cracks, yet again. He's already on his way...

I don't want to be his mom. I want to be his woman. He wants the same, but he can't handle me for who I am. He makes me sick sometimes. And yet he is charming other times. But the inbetween, the medium, I feel sick because of what he is doing, and because of that, who he seems to have turned into.

I don't think he fully understands what I am about anymore, and that I am tired of reaching into his hole to fish him out. I am tired of lowering myself in the hole at the same time, when I'm trying to grow and get past childhood. I feel like I could be better off with someone else. But I'm scared. Scared of hurting him, scared of being hurt. Scared of leaving. Scared of maybe missing out of what he might turn into. But I know better than to waste years of turmoil and immaturity and games just to find out that there is a 50/50 chance of himing turning into what I want. I have been waiting more than two years, I am sick of waiting. I need it. I need it so badly.

All I really want is a strong man who can handle who I am, who my family is and who can handle it all without freakouts and immaturity and DRAMA.

Fuck drama. And fuck fear.


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