Sunday, July 23, 2006

Grilled BBQ chicken sandwiches, we are, indeed.

Okay. The situation is resolved for now.

It's been fucking over 100degrees outside in the daytime (which means it's about 80degrees at night, all night) for three days now! It is NEVER this hot in WA! Maybe in Eastern WA, but not Northwest WA.

HB likes the new me, and I do, too. I visited overnight, and attempted sleep in the sweltering heat... but it felt good to be there for a short while nevertheless. I'm glad that HB and I are doing alright. On second thought -- we're doing better than we've ever been. Which feels good. I just needed to stop placing blame and work my own problems out for a change.

Grilled BBQ chicken sandwiches are calling... not to mention I myself, and my family is starting to look like grilled BBQ chicken sandwiches in this fucking heat...


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