Saturday, July 01, 2006

Cat Nap

Fiancee is such a good, well, fiancee. I was sneezing, and I told him the smells in the apartment were bothering me, so he cleaned the apartment (for the most part). It was a nice gesture, because I didn't expect him to clean anything; I didn't want to, because then I would be upset with him. I'm getting better about things like that. As much as I would like to be back in Olympia right now, I am feeling better about being here.

Late last night Chester the cat went on an adventure! He was gone until this afternoon, and he was covered from head to toe in an oily substance and a lot of dirt. So he had to get a bath. He took it pretty well, and I escaped with only a scratch on my thumb. He's been hiding underneath the couch ever since.

I have decided to give up my parking permit for covered parking, because it costs Fiancee an extra $20/month, and I'll only be here for weekends. I will probably start paying it again, because in the winter months, it's a MUST to have that parking spot. I am a little hesitant to give it up, in fear that I won't get it back, and in the meantime, I have to park away from the building, and out in the open. If it were still my truck, I wouldn't really care. Maybe I should rethink relinquishing the covered slot.

I rented a few chick movies to watch while Fiancee is at work. He at least went to work later than usual today (6pm rather than 2:30pm). But with nothing to do around here, I do get a little antsy and bored. Hopefully the movies will help. Or maybe I'll read my new novel. Or maybe I'll just take a cat nap...


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