Sunday, April 16, 2006

Follow-up on Asian Woman

I was recently talking to an old friend online, and I mentioned, passively, the situation I had in the grocery store with the Asian Woman (see previous blog). She told me this story after hearing of mine:

Asian women do that all the time in the commissary at the base here. They act like they don't know the rules, and use their language barrier as an excuse. (They know what they're doing.) Anyways... I knew this lady when I lived in Colorado (Commissary there too,) and this Korean woman gets in front of her... so my friend tells her, "You can't do that," blah blah blah. And the woman says something along the line of, "Sorry, can't understand you..." so our friend (military woman) picks this Korean chick up... and carries her to the end of the line. The Korean lady is so stunned, she just stands there, while our friend goes and brings her cart to her.
And everyone in the line applauded her.

Are you telling me that ALL of the people in this line were racist, too?

I thought this was so hilarious, I had to post it -- so true. If you can't laugh at this, you have issues. And if people think I'm still racist, I'd like to know. Because I stand behind what I write.

It's funny how people judge others when they've only read a blog or two -- although I understand when you make so many assumptions, you get ahead of yourselves.

At least I didn't make the assumption that I knew what area of Asia she was from.


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