Saturday, April 15, 2006

Giant Bunny Toes.

I was raised Christian, however, I am not a Christian. I am agnostic. So I don't really celebrate Easter Sunday. But I loved this pic, and I thought I would share it with you. (This bunny is apparently 3 feet tall...)

Only one of my three siblings actually became Christian, which is kind of interesting to me. I like the fact that all of my siblings are quite different from one another.

RB is the eldest child, and he's always been a great big brother. He never really picked on me, and we've become fairly close. He's a greener, and is a very physically healthy, fit person. But he's always struggled with emotional stuff, but most girls just like the fact that he's a man and can feel feelings, and that he actually tries to figure them out, rather than run away from them like most men do. He knows a lot about health and nutrition and all of that stuff. I respect that about him. RB is ten years older than I am.

KT is the black sheep of the family, pretty much. Everyone has some problem with her, as she's a firecracker, and she is quite manipulative. She is very creative, and very good with her hands. She's married to a guy that doesn't ever get his hands dirty, on the other hand. They both fool around with other people, and they both make fun of each other, and pick fights. It's a very strange relationship. She is a very strong personality, and doens't usually hear what you're saying to her when you're talking to her, because she's always talking over you or around you. But she puts a face on for people that don't know her, so people get the wrong idea about her (which is the idea she wants them to get), and assume she's a great person, and she has everything together. She likes being a big sister to me, but she's always been jealous of me (she'll tell you that herself), and tries to dirty my name with my family and anyone that knows me. So I don't tell her anything about my life anymore, sadly. She has two kids with two different people, and doesn't treat them right -- she knows it. She's nine years older than I am.

DM is the brother that I was around the most -- he's five years older than I am. We made tree forts and rode our bikes together and all of that. I bugged him when he had friends over, and usually developed crushes on his guy friends. When he would have a crush on an older girl from church that I hung around, I would tell the girl about his crush. I followed him off a bicycle jump once and almost broke my nose when I was about six, and I was pissed at him for "making me follow him" off the jump. I always enjoyed my time with him. He was the one sibling that found God and made the "model lifestyle" that Christians strive for and all of that, which I respect to some degree, but he and his wife can be fairly judgemental, however. They have two girls, who are very cute, and they are raising them well, as everyone can tell. I miss hanging out with DM.

I don't like going to family functions very much, because when everyone gets together, most all of us put on "the face" and pretend to be a functional family and pretend to be okay with each other... I just don't enjoy it. I prefer hanging out with the family one at a time. I'm the youngest child who doesn't come around as much as everyone else does, and I heard from one of them that they talk about that fact when they all get together. I call most of them on their bullshit, and act as I would any day of the week, and they don't like that I don't play the game with them.

It's really windy today, and I wish the wind would stop and that the sun would poke itself out of the clouds.


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